Vic's Profile

Name: Victoria
Nickname: Vic, LestatsBrat, or Biki-chan
Birthday: May 28
Age: 18
Astrological Sign: Gemini <~~2 personalities (more, actually)
Blood Type: B+
Favorite Subject: Japanese, English, and French
Least Favoirte Subject: Math >_<
Favorite Food: Pizza
Least Favorite Food: Anything with sauce
Favorite Color: Black, Purple, Blue, Green
Favorite Gem: Emerald
Favorite Sport: Hockey or Basketball
Favorite Animal: Tigers & Dolphins & Whales
School: College
Hobbies: Cosplay, Writing, trying to draw, webdesign, and guitar
Strong Points: Languages
Has Trouble With: Anything involving numbers
Dream: I want to move to Japan and teach English in an elementary-level school