Sarah's Profile

Name: Sarah Ellis
Nickname: Sar/Yaten/Brotha!
Birthday: August 1, 1985
Age: 18
Astrological Sign: Leo ^.~
Blood Type: B something?
Favorite Subject: Like, in school?  English I suppose.
Least Favorite Subject: Geh, math eats my soul.
Favorite Food: ...mashed potatoes?
Least Favorite Food: Anything seafood.
Favorite Color: Green, definitely green.
Favorite Gem: Opal or emerald.
Favorite Sport: Soccer!  Aha, I'm obsessed...
Favorite Animal: My cat, Cecil.
School: Knox College
Hobbies: Writing/reading fantasy novels.
Strong Points: Sense of humor, I guess?
Has Trouble With: I've been known to be a tad competitive.  Eheh.
Dream: Just one?  All right, well the main one would be to finish college, start actually finishing one of the novels I'm writing and then have it hit big.  Not huge, just big.  And then to live comfortably, close to my friends.