Raggedyari's Profile

Name: Arielle
Nickname: Ari, Raggedyari, Jellybean
Birthday: June 24
Age: 21 at the time of the costume
Astrological Sign: Cancer
Blood Type: O+
Favorite Subject: Art/gym
Least Favorite Subject: Math
Favorite Food: Seafood!
Least Favorite Food: ...what's that?
Favorite Color: Purple
Favorite Gem: Opal
Favorite Sport: Hockey, volleyball
Favorite Animal: Armadillo
School: I'm done -_- EUP '05
Hobbies: Art, making a monkey of myself, camping, more art, karate
Strong Points: Good balance, people say I'm professional, & creative
Has Trouble With: Long division, computer coloring
Dream: To be a bum and ride around in my car to all the great sites (and more mundane sites) that I'd like to see while doing my artwork out of my car and making a decent living from it. In the words of John Steinbeck "live off the fat of the land"