Jinny's Profile

Name: Adriana Marie Hollenback-Waladkewics. No, I do not know how I got past kindergarden with that name.
Nickname: Andie, Jinny, AndiePanda
Birthday: December 31, 1986
Age: Chronologically: 16. In habit: I never grew up.
Astrological Sign: Capricorn *a bloody GOAT-FISH*
Blood Type: Edible, if you're into that sorta thing
Favorite Subject: Art, art, artartartart
Least Favorite Subject: Math. I am afraid of numbers. And computer courses. I am terrified to death of modern technology.
Favorite Food: Cherry Slurpees, oh God, I'd sell my firstborn for a cherry slurpee right about now.
Least Favorite Food: Lobster. I can't get past the fact that they look like mutant space bugs. And they've got these CLAWS.
Favorite Color: Purple, anything sparkly
Favorite Gem: Sharks teeth, but they're not actually gems... can't help it, my background is that of a beach bunny surfer
Favorite Sport: Rugby
Favorite Animal: Llamas, kitties, groovy Australian wildlife
School: Allentown, New Jersey *aka, America's armpit and dang proud of it*
Hobbies: Drawing comics, spreading joy, amusing the muses and confusing the masses, glomping anything that moves
Strong Points: mai rilley grate spelleeng skillz.
Has Trouble With: Creativity blocks, roaches, loud people
Dream: To move to Australia, raise llamas, be a killer surfer, publish a few stories, maybe get a comic book out.